This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The images of death and destruction from Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest storms on record, have dominated the news this past week. The suffering is heartbreaking, and many have rushed to contribute what they can to help ("Typhoon victims plead for help," Tribune, Nov. 13).

At the same time a United Nations conference on climate change is taking place in Warsaw, Poland.

On Monday, the opening day, the delegate from the Philippines, Naderev Saño, gave an impassioned speech about Typhoon Haiyan, pleading for action on climate change. He spoke of it personally as he comes from Tacloban, where the typhoon made landfall.

I urge everyone to view this speech. Just go to YouTube and type in "Naderev Saño speech Warsaw" to watch it. Many words, facts and figures support man-caused climate change. Perhaps Saño's eloquent plea will be a new step toward understanding what is happening to our world and the importance of taking action now to make changes.

Maggie Beers

Salt Lake City