This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The LDS Church takes a political stand on only a few issues: abortion, pornography, gay marriage, gay anti-discrimination laws (at least for Salt Lake City), gambling. Recently, the church has also been forceful in its support for compassionate immigration reform, stating the reform bill that the Senate passed and which is now stalled in the House of Representatives matches the values of the Mormon faith ("Mormon leader: Obama's immigration plan matches LDS values," Tribune, March 8).

Is the bill perfect? No. Like all legislation, it's a compromise. But it's good enough for the Mormon Church. And as I've heard many an LDS leader say on other matters, we must not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Yet Utah's four representatives are not on board with the bill. Given the Mormon Church's support, you'd think that loud-mouth, boastful Mormon Reps. Rob Bishop and especially Jason Chaffetz would be working to unclog this bill and get it passed. You would be wrong.

Why aren't Utah's Mormon voters asking their congressmen to act on this clear values issue? By giving in to the xenophobes and fear-mongers, our representatives are losing much of their moral authority.

Call or email your representative and ask them to not just take a stand but to work to pass this bill.

Todd G. Williams

Salt Lake City