This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In response to "Narcissistic feminists" (Public Forum, Sept. 26), you cannot teach children from birth that women do not have access to power or the answers except through men, and then expect anyone to believe that women have the ability to have the answers or handle power appropriately except through men.

Women will never receive equal opportunities or equal wages as long as women do not have access to equal power in the religious arena. As an atheist, I salute these incredibly courageous women in the LDS Church demanding that thoughtful consideration be given to allowing them access to the decision-making powers of the church. And I can personally reassure Lynne Gorton Cropper not to worry, that the men in her church have been speaking for her loudly and clearly for years, and she need not worry about it because her grandchildren will appreciate the work these great women did on her behalf.

Jodi Willis
