This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I must admit to a certain degree of confusion concerning Sen. Mike Lee and company's determination to shut down the government in a few days. If all U.S. agencies will be forced into virtual inactivity, should this not also apply to the good senator and his ilk?

The savings would be immense — more than $250,000 a day until Congress got together and did the job they have been elected to do. Of course that presupposes that the present Congress has any interest in serving the people of this country. Unfortunately, it seems that the only way they propose to serve those people is as an entrĂ©e for themselves and their handlers in the top 1 percent.

John E. Meikle

Cottonwood Heights