This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In response to Kathryn Fitzgerald's letter to the editor, "Death Toll" [Forum, Sept. 23] "Asking the NRA, how many Americans have to die for your unlimited right to bear arms."

First of all, Kathryn, it's not NRA members or other honest responsible gun owners who are killing these people. The killers are the mentally disturbed and criminals who have obtained guns illegally. When the honest, responsible citizens buys guns, they fill out the proper paperwork and purchase it from a licensed dealer. Criminals do not obtain guns this way.

President Obama needs to address the need to identify and control the mentally disturbed and be responsible for what happened on the military base in Texas and the Washington Navy Yard. He needs to prosecute and convict gun criminals like he promised, instead of asking for further gun control that does not address these problems.

Perhaps Kathryn should find an organization that will defend her when they try to take away her "unlimited" First Amendment rights.

Gary Mudrock

West Jordan