This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Re: "Medicare for all," Public Forum, Sept. 16, by Thomas Fritz: This makes so much sense that none of our idiotic "representatives of the people" will ever back such a plan. Think of all the money the insurance companies will pull from the political action committees' campaign chests. This cannot happen because of just that fact.

I receive care from the VA and Medicare. I can't say enough good about the care I receive.

This is the only sensible solution to our health care problems. The politicians can't see this because it makes sense. Look at the actions of our delegation from Utah. Orrin Hatch makes sure drug manufacturers are happy, and I don't know who Mike Lee is trying to satisfy. He can't even pay his bills but wants people to listen to him? Give me a break. I can't believe he was elected.

Medicare is the best thing this country ever came up with. Thank you, Thomas, for your sensible opinion.

Skip Nalley

West Jordan