This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Salt Lake Tribune recently published a column by Charles Krauthammer ("A touch of sanity in the Zimmerman case," July 20) denouncing anyone who had the opinion that racism played a role in the shooting of Trayvon Martin or the trial of George Zimmerman.

This was just one more instance in a long litany of white men lecturing minorities and women that racism and discrimination no longer exist.

White men on the Supreme Court recently declared that discrimination no longer exists and gutted the Voting Rights Act.

This was done at the same time that white male Republican legislators and governors in many states are passing laws to restrict voting.

Do white men live in an alternate universe from the rest of us?

Or are they engaged in a disinformation campaign by repeatedly and publicly declaring that discrimination no longer exits while acting to maintain discrimination.

Do white men really think the rest of us are gullible enough not to see what they're doing?

Anita Uibel
