This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Once again, the Utah Eagle Forum is spoiling my day, this time by defending Utah Attorney General John Swallow ("Utah Dems want to join GOP talks on Swallow impeachment," Tribune, June 17).

The Eagle Forum argues that the media is unfairly persecuting Swallow and that impeaching him would be costly and disruptive to the office and discourage good candidates from running.

Leaving Swallow in office is costly and disruptive to public trust in the office. Impeaching him will encourage good candidates to run by restoring integrity to the office.

I value the media's involvement. I certainly do not think I will get unbiased information from the Eagle Forum.

Adeline (Eddie) Jouflas

Salt Lake City