This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Utah Attorney General John Swallow's response to the predicament he now finds himself in is, well, predictable ("Utah A.G. John Swallow: I did nothing wrong and won't resign," Tribune, June 13).

He states he has done nothing wrong. If a lawyer has to consult legal statutes to see if he was doing anything illegal, he probably was doing something wrong.

Swallow states he cannot recall buying an argyle sweater on one of his resort junkets, even though he signed for it. Really? Well, argyle is such an indistinctive design. Perhaps if it had been an itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka dot golf sweater, he would remember the purchase.

Swallow is proud that last November he was elected by 73 percent of the voters. Had the details of this scandal been released before the election, (thanks, Uncle Mark), had Utahns been able to make an informed choice, Dee Smith would now be sitting in the attorney general's chair.

Swallow needs to step up and be a real man. He needs to resign and save Utah taxpayers millions from a snail-paced impeachment trial and to save face.

Janice Jensen

West Valley City