This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The immigration bill appears to be ricocheting toward passage, at least in the Senate. As it proceeds it continues to be festooned by Republicans, and some Democrats, with provisions designed to ensure that few undocumented immigrants will ever become citizens.

The length of time to become a citizen (a minimum of 13 years), fines, back taxes and proof of effective border security will be used to this end. We haven't seen the last of these accretions to the bill.

The last thing the Republican Party wants is these immigrants ever voting. The Democrats are so invested in passing any bill that they are closing their eyes to reality.

The bill also provides that affected immigrants cannot receive benefits until they become citizens, but they will nevertheless be paying income, Social Security and Medicare taxes.

What the bill will authorize is the creation, or perhaps the extension, of the functional equivalent of an indentured servant class. Notwithstanding the torrent of sanctimonious rhetoric from both sides, I fear the ultimate bill will be a cruel hoax.

Bob Peterson

Salt Lake City