This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

That politicians constantly desire more of our hard-earned money is well-documented, supported by history. Only a free and objective press and a well-informed constituency can keep them in check.

Unfortunately, as in "Sales tax fairness: Online merchants should pay up" (Our View, April 26), The Tribune editorial board too often attempts to advance political objectives by offering arguments supported by the board's agenda rather than from an objective perspective.

If leveling the opportunity field between Internet and brick-and-mortar vendors is the true objective: Why do The Tribune and many politicians argue for a proposal that would increase sales tax revenue?

A better idea would be to tax all purchases, Internet and brick and mortar, some lower, reasonable sales tax rate percentage that would produce the same amount of revenue, not more, for politicians.

Steven D. Bench
