This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In "Armed at home" (Forum, April 27), Todd Evans' rant about the people of Boston being "unarmed" (his assumption) and locked in their homes while the surviving bomber ran through the streets, bearing arms, was, at best, ludicrous.

At worst, it smacks of a National Rifle Association card carrier's attempt to justify the arming of every man, woman, child and school teacher in the nation. As Evans said, "This is nuts!"

Of course, it would have turned out much better had there been an Old West shootout with bullets flying in every direction. The ensuing bloodbath would, certainly, have upheld the Constitution and the notion that every citizen should be gun-ready at all times.

Luckily, the intelligent people of Boston were armed and ready with cell phones, cameras, etc., which did much to help identify and apprehend the fugitives, thus saving lives.

Peggy Hoeppner

Salt Lake City