This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I don't exactly get a warm and fuzzy feeling from Sen. Mike Lee, who wants to put the United States in the same camp with Syria, Iran and North Korea in opposing ratification of the just passed United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, which would regulate the global arms trade and keep weapons from terrorists, warlords, organized crime figures and human rights violators ("On arms treaty, Mike Lee among 35 senators to side with North Korea, Iran and Syria," Tribune, April 3).

Meanwhile, Rep. Jim Matheson and Sen. Orrin Hatch can't seem to understand that health care is a basic social service just like education and transportation, services for which we all gladly pay to keep society healthy and functional ("Repeal Obamacare's health insurance tax," Opinion, March 25).

Who are these people, and whom do they represent?

Wayne McCormack

Salt Lake City