This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

It's time members of the Utah Legislature buy their own health insurance. They have been subsidized by the people of Utah long enough. They work part-time — very part-time — and receive full-time benefits they don't deserve.

Those of us who function in the real world know that part-time workers, along with self-employed and small business owners, must buy their own insurance. It's expensive, and often only affordable if you buy a high-deductible policy.

As a self-employed musician with a high-deductible plan, I live a healthy lifestyle and hope for good health.

It's unfair that the legislators use their power to enrich themselves. They could figure a way to buy their own insurance.

It's particularly distasteful, considering they won't expand federal Medicaid funds to the poor, people who have no other options and who really do need it.

Julie Mark

Salt Lake City