This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The short editorial "Health insurance's spiral" (Our View, Dec. 16) nails the problem of our health care system: rising costs. And it would be nice if our rising costs could be made to vanish by waving your no-more-free-market wand at them.

Alas, that seems unlikely by means of a health care act where the only brake on rising health costs will be whatever reluctance to pay for it can be mustered by a federal government that increased our national debt in the past decade at a rate more than 30 times that of the 38 percent rise in health insurance costs.

Your condemnation of the free market seems ironic, too, in the face of a health care law whose central fiscal provision demands that insurance companies compete across state lines — a freer free market at the heart of the program.

The free market, admittedly, doesn't look much like the white knight to rescue us from our health-care-cost problems. But neither is it the bogeyman. It might be shortsighted, probably counterproductive, maybe even disingenuous, to scapegoat it.

Steve Walker

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