This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In "Food stamps and obesity" (Forum, Dec. 12), David Turner proposed that we help fight obesity "by making food stamps twice as valuable for fresh produce, grains and 'clean' foods."

I work at a local grocery store and many people use their food stamps to buy junk food. More often than not, the people who come in with food stamps buy large amounts of soda and chips.

I was hanging with a close friend, and her mom then sent us down to the gas station to buy her soda with her food stamps. That's not right, especially on government tax money.

We should limit the spending of food stamps for junk food. I'd rather my taxes go toward healthy food for the underprivileged, not junk food.

Taylor Myers

Salt Lake City