This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In "No love for Obama in rural Utah," Tribune, Nov. 27), reporter Robert Gehrke interviewed only Democrats in Rich County to explain why rural Utahns didn't vote for President Barack Obama. Had he asked some rural Republicans, his story may have been different.

Utahns in counties where the federal government owns most of the land became nauseated when Obama claimed that drilling for fossil fuels increased dramatically under his tenure. They knew such a boast by Obama was the height of hypocrisy, since he did everything to stop drilling here, especially on federal lands.

Utahns also know Obama wants to take away their guns, up the price of gas so driving is prohibitive and raise taxes to pay for abortions and other things they abhor.

Utahns are tired of watching the president borrow from the Chinese to fund businesses that fail. We know people like Gov. Mitt Romney are much better at running companies than Obama. Is it any wonder Obama got less than 10 percent of Utah's rural vote?

Next time, Gehrke should quote some of us dumb Utah country-bumpkin conservatives. Your readers may get a clue about why we voted the way we did.

Stephen T. Case

West Jordan