This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Mighty Mittster struck out. Let the self-flagellation commence. There is no joy in Mudville. Our dreams of a shining, new Provo-on-the-Potomac shattered. Our faith in the omniscience of Fox News shaken … but unbroken.

Now we must steel ourselves to four more years of reckless government spending to improve our highways, repair our bridges, comfort our infirm and our indigent, educate our youth, deliver our mail, preserve our wilderness, subsidize our tourist industry, our agrarian pursuits and our law enforcement, provide for our elderly, and generate gainful employment throughout our state.

Worst of all? We will be forced to endure four more years of "Sesame Street," "Nova," "Masterpiece Theater," "Nature" and more of those annoying Ken Burns thingies.

I, for one, shall mourn. At least until I see my next Social Security check.

Richard W. Teasdale
