This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Recently, Gov. Mitt Romney was speaking on the campaign trail about the death of former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, who was killed in the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya last month, and who Romney had once met.

Romney compared Doherty's bravery to rush to the assistance of those Americans being attacked to his own decision to run for president. "They didn't hunker down where they were in safety — they rushed there to go help," Romney said, tying that spirit to his candidacy. "This is the American way — we go where there's trouble. We go where we're needed. And right now we're needed."

How absolutely and incredibly arrogant, condescending and insensitive. Who does he think he is? Doherty's mother is upset that Romney is using her son's death as part of his political agenda, and rightly so. Romney has agreed to not mention him again.

This is so disgusting.

Valerie Guymon
