This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

After the debate, I initially was struck by how poorly President Barack Obama defended himself and his positions. But as I've thought about it, while I still think Obama blew it, I am most struck by the chutzpah of Gov. Mitt Romney.

Romney contradicted so many statements and pledges he made during the primaries. He was such a different candidate from just earlier this year (let alone his past political lives) that I have now have no confidence that Romney is ever speaking straight or truthfully.

Romney obviously says what he thinks will work in that moment, and that's a terrible trait to have as a president — having the public not believe a word you say, knowing that tomorrow you probably will say the opposite.

That's no way to treat the American public, and it's no way to deal with our allies.

Virginia Bott
