This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In his recent General Conference address, LDS Apostle Dallin Oaks suggested that same-sex parents put their kids at a disadvantage and their kids' well-being second to "selfish adult interests" ("Mormon leader decries divorce, abortion, same-sex parents," Tribune, Oct. 6): Is Oaks really suggesting that same-sex couples should not have families?

As the proud grandfather of a 5-month-old grandson provided through the miracle of in-vitro fertilization, I state unequivocally that "selfish adult interest" couldn't be further from the truth. Our son knew that his decision to have a child would require tremendous sacrifice. "Unselfish interest" would be the more appropriate label.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its officials have always misunderstood homosexuality. They've labeled homosexuality as a "choice," "changeable" and "anti-family." That homosexuality is experienced honestly and involuntarily by those affected simply escapes church pronouncements.

Oaks continues the pattern of misunderstanding with an even more subtle form of discriminatory rhetoric. His comment about treating gays with "loving understanding" apparently does not extend to the possibility that same-sex parents could possibly be adequate parents. How loving and understanding is that?

No wonder there is a chasm between the LDS Church and the gay community.

Gary M. Watts
