This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I unequivocally agree with the editorial "What free market?: Utah picks winners and losers" (Our View, Sept. 26), regarding the abuse of the free market by the Utah Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission and the issuance of restaurant liquor licenses. Not because this is a liquor issue, but because it is a constraint of commerce issue.

The Legislature needs to repeal the law mandating, based on population, the number of restaurants or other commercial businesses that choose to sell liquor. Demand for the product and the forces of the market should dictate how many licenses are issued.

It is ironic that our state mandates the DABC to raise revenue for the state, yet it is restrained based on the argument of control and consumption. Every individual needs to make his or her own choice as to whether to consume alcohol or any product.

You can bet the powers that be are not trying to protect us from such outrageous products like candy, ice cream or soda pop. A market-driven system is imperative for the future for all products.

Steve Bartlett

Cottonwood Heights