This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Re "Corroon picks 15 to help plan canyons' future" (Tribune, May 23):

A while back, the Salt Lake County Council proposed a blue ribbon commission to review its Foothills and Canyons Overlay Zone and make recommendations for improvements and changes.

The county mayor is the elected official legally tasked with making nominations for appointments to commissions. Mayor Peter Corroon advertised for people to volunteer for a seat on this 15-member commission and received 52 applicants. He also received three requests from some Council members for appointments, but no applications.

When the mayor submitted 15 qualified names from the list of applicants, Council Chairman David Wilde wanted to make some of his own appointments. Sorry, Wilde, that's not in your job description.

Councilman Randy Horiuchi wanted to expand the commission so he could add a person to it. So did Councilman Mike Jensen. Sorry, you folks were the ones to set the number at 15. Remember?

So, what did the Council do? They tabled the decision for two weeks while they "study the issues." Reminds me of the Golden Rule: he who has the gold (the political position) makes the rule.

Tod Young
