This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I resent the spending by the Utah Transit Authority of my, and your, taxpayer dollars for a trolley for a two-mile ride into Sugar House from the Central Pointe TRAX station.

Instead of spending $55 million for a system to take passengers on this short ride that could be handled easily by buses two blocks north, along 2100 South, you could buy a lot of eco-friendly buses.

This from an agency that, in the present negotiations with its workers, claims to not have any money, .

This from an agency that pays its top people more than all similar agencies in the entire country, except New York City.

This from an agency that is controlled by a board of directors that appears to only be interested in its own area without regard to the entire taxpaying public.

This from an agency whose members, in the past, have been found to use their position to fatten their own pocketbooks.


Kenneth L Bond
