This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Utah Legislature is poised to divert significant funds from Utah taxes and direct them to highway and road construction. The result will be less money for the rest of the budget, which includes education.

Our children's education is more important and leaves a longer lasting legacy than any other public works project. Education benefits our democracy, increases our Gross National Product and ensures a stable and vibrant economy.

In the 1950s, after Sputnik, the United States poured money into encouraging science and engineering education and created the best research system in the world by supporting university research.

The emphasis and federal money resulted in microprocessors, computers, the Internet, commercial aircraft, men walking on the moon and the best pharmaceutical and genetic research in the world.

Our university education and research is the envy of the world.

The contributions to an economy due to a strong education system are evident in the electronics that are indispensable in our everyday lives.

Despite the fact that China does not have a free public education system, China's culture emphasizes education. China is now producing more hardware, semiconductor and software doctorates than any other country.

Many electronic design jobs have been transferred to China. China is emphasizing science and technology education.

Although their so-called green technology is well publicized, China is also emphasizing genetics research. In the next 10 years, China intends to be the world leader in genetics research.

To compete with China requires a U.S. recommitment to education similar to the commitment that resulted from Sputnik.

If it is appropriate for government to help fund highways and bridges, it should be even more appropriate for government to ensure that there is an effective quality education for everyone in America.

When we are on our deathbed, we will be thinking of our children and how we helped educate them more than any highway or bridges or buildings that we helped build.

Those children who do not get a quality education will affect everyone. You don't have to just worry about your kids.

You also have to worry about other children.

If Utah's Legislature wants to provide construction jobs, the best way would be to fund the upgrading of all of our schools to be earthquake resistant.

Such a task would provide construction and building materials jobs and also benefit our children and our education system.

Thomas Jefferson felt that a free public education would ensure a successful self-government and be an equalizer for all children.

Our most important infrastructure is our children's education.

Our free public education system has kept this country the envy of the world and it helps make this country great. Education is the great energizer and the great equalizer. Schools and our children's education are more important that highways and bridges.

George Chapman is retired and lives in Utah. Four of his children became teachers.