This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Jacob Van Rij nailed it in "Robbed by hospital" (Forum, Oct. 25) — health care costs are out of control. This is exactly why health care reform is essential.

When the 46 million Americans without health insurance go to the hospital when they get sick, somebody has to pay. Just because they don't have health insurance doesn't mean the care is free.

The hospital has costs, the doctors have fees, and the labs and treatments cost money.

Somebody has to pay. We all have to pay.

So whether it comes from Jacob's hospital bill last week or mine next week, the money has to come from somewhere. Health care reform can shift that unfair burden and make the system more equitable. Give it a chance.

Beth Chardack

Salt Lake City