This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Davis County Sheriff's deputies are on the lookout for whoever led a deputy on a high-speed chase in two stolen cars.

At 1:38 a.m. Sunday, the deputy found a Mercury Grand Marquis and Toyota Camry, both reported stolen, when the two cars sped off.

"The deputy stated speeds reached 100 mph along 1800 [North] in Clinton," according to a Davis County Sheriff's Office news release.

The Grand Marquis tried to turn right off 1800 North at 2225 West, but it and the deputy's vehicle crashed. The crash sent the deputy's vehicle smashing into a fire hydrant, causing a water main to break, according to the release.

The Camry, meanwhile, continued east on 1800 North, the release adds.

The driver of the crashed Grand Marquis abandoned the vehicle, said Davis County Sheriff's Sgt. Susan Poulsen.

Both drivers are being sought; investigators do not yet know who they are. The crashed Grand Marquis was reported stolen out of the Clearfield area; the Camry was reported stolen out of Kaysville.

Anyone with information about a white Toyota Camry, with license plate 073WZV, or any other information about this incident, is asked to call the Davis County Sheriff's Office at 801-451-4150.

Twitter: @mikeypanda