This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

There is a school, a special school, where everyone was reading.

At a "Literacy Night" Tuesday, the Kauri Sue Hamilton School invited families of special needs children to spend the evening sharing a book, hoping to get kids excited about reading at an early age. The young guests were part of the school's Early Intervention Program for children from birth to age 3.

Each family received a copy of "The Napping House" by Audrey Wood, which begins, "There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping," and continues to add details like the rhyme, "This Is the House That Jack Built."

Activities highlighted parts of the book, according to the Jordan School District.

The school at 2827 West and 13400 South in Riverton serves students with severe, multiple disabilities. It's named for Kauri Sue Hamilton, a former Jordan School District student with Down syndrome. Her parents, Cletus and Sharon Hamilton, donated the land and Kauri Sue, now 40, helped inspire the school's planning.

It opened in 2009 and includes a swimming pool, multi-sensory environment rooms, therapy treatment rooms and a health clinic.