This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A robbery suspect first went shopping for groceries, then forced a clerk to empty the cash register at a northwest Salt Lake City store.

Police said the suspect — described as a 5-foot-10 to 6-foot white male with a mustache and goatee, and wearing a dark hooded jacket — held up the La Guadalupana Market about 4:20 p.m. Tuesday at 1255 W. 500 North.

Salt Lake City police Detective Veronica Montoya said that after the suspect grabbed a few grocery items, he demanded and received the register's cash, fled the store and jumped into a blue SUV. The vehicle, possibly an older Suburban or Blazer model, was waiting in the west parking lot.

Police said the suspect produced a weapon during the holdup, but they would not further describe it, citing the ongoing nature of their investigation.

Anyone with information on this case is asked to call SLCPD at 801-799-3000.

Twitter: @remims