This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A Taylorsville woman is charged with trying to burn down her ex-boyfriend's Salt Lake City store.

Prosecutors charged the 36-year-old woman in 3rd District Court on Tuesday with aggravated arson, a first-degree felony.

On Saturday, a man at an East Central-neighborhood barber shop smelled smoke and followed the scent to a back hallway, where the shop shares a rear exit with a tailoring business. Once there, he saw smoke coming out from under the door of a neighboring store, according to the charges.

Someone at the barber shop grabbed an extinguisher and put out the fire, which did about $2,000 in damage, said Salt Lake City Fire spokesman Jasen Asay.

A Salt Lake City fire investigator concluded that someone had intentionally set the fire with ignitable liquid and a handheld open flame, according to the charges.

The woman said that she was angry after breaking-up with the tailoring business' owner and that she poured some gas from a gas can and lit the fuel with a lighter, the charges add.

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