This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

It's tough to follow the news when you're finally off the clock and have time for yourself and your family. Rewind will help you catch up with all the happenings in Utah over the weekend.

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Scholars: With marriage, tradition has changed over time • The state of Utah so far has banked much of its legal argument against same-sex marriage on the assertion that such unions threaten the traditional, "age-old and still predominant," form of marriage: heterosexual, monogamous marriage. It has proved to be a shaky argument.

Some legislators say Swallow appeared headed for impeachment • John Swallow could well have become the first statewide official in Utah history to be impeached had the former attorney general not stepped down earlier this month. So say several House committee members, who, after sitting through two days of shocking revelations about Swallow's conduct, reported they would have supported efforts to oust him from office.

Utah's largest police forces use Tasers more than any other weapon • The man was armed with a gun — until he threw it at a Salt Lake City officer standing about 15 feet away. Then the man tried to jump into a vehicle with children inside and flee. The officer reacted quickly, pulling out his Taser and zapping the guy for 5 seconds until he dropped to the ground. The incident was one of 118 during the past three years in which a Salt Lake City officer used a Taser on a suspect, according to use-of-force statistics released by the department as part of a public records request.

Scandalized Utah congressman believed his false war stories • The scandal rocked Utah and U.S. politics. Just days before the 1954 election, disabled Rep. Douglas R. Stringfellow, R-Utah, confessed on TV that his oft-repeated stories of war heroics — which propelled him into Congress and attracted national adulation — were false. Now, 60 years later, an untold side of the story is emerging from an unpublished autobiography.

Utah Governor moves to help businesses, schools reduce emissions • Cleaner school buses, grants to small businesses and research are the main pieces of an $18 million bag of carrots Utah Gov. Gary Herbert proposes handing out next year to improve air quality. Much of the proposed spending is designed to help school districts and small businesses reduce emissions that add to the particulate and ozone levels in Utah valleys. This pollution often makes the air unhealthy and drags economic growth.

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