This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Salt Lake City police are alarmed by a recent spike in vehicle burglaries and thefts, specifically in the greater University of Utah and the Sugar House neighborhoods.

The police department's Community Intelligence Unit reported on Wednesday that during the two-week period of June 9-20, a total of 30 vehicle burglaries were reported in District 6, which includes the U., Yalecrest, Foothill, Sunnyside, Wasatch Hollow, Bonneville Hills and East Bench areas.

Police say that total was eight higher than the two-week period prior, May 26-June 8.

In addition, District 6 also saw 21 thefts, up 10 from the two weeks prior.

District 7 (Sugar House) reported 23 vehicle burglaries during the most recent period, or four more than the previous two weeks, as well as 31 thefts, up 13.

Investigators say warmer weather seemed to encourage car and house prowlers to stay out later.

Community Intelligence Unit detectives urged residents to take exercise extra care, and some common sense, to cut down on crime:

— Be aware: Watch for strangers walking slowly around your neighborhood, looking into cars, trying car doors, or knocking on your neighbors' doors when you know they are away.

— Lock it up: Do not leave any property in cars or yards. Lock windows and doors and close garage doors, even when at home.

— Take notes: Write down details about a suspect's appearance, car or other identifying characteristics for police.

— Call police: If it is an emergency or a crime in progress, call 911. In a non-emergency, call 801-799-3000.

— Text it: Tipsters may remain anonymous. Send a text to 274637, using the keyword TIPSLCPD. Attach photos if you have them.

For further information, visit the CIU web site at

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