This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Unified Police Department on Thursday identified a 60-year-old Magna woman who died when the car she was riding in allegedly ran a red light and was struck by another vehicle.

UPD Lt. Justin Hoyal said Maria Corona was pronounced dead of her injuries shortly after the 8:18 p.m. Wednesday collision at the intersection of 3200 South and 7200 West.

Meanwhile, the 38-year-old female driver of the Honda Accord that Corona was riding in had been released from the hospital after treatment for minor injuries, UPD said Thursday.

The Accord was eastbound on 3200 South and allegedly tried to beat the light, colliding with a silver Nissan Sentra at 7200 West, Hoyal said. The Nissan ended up in a nearby residential backyard, its 16-year-old male driver unhurt.

No citations were immediately issued as the investigation continued.

Hoyal said earlier reports that the 16-year-old had run the light were in error.

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