This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A man is in jail after police say a road rage incident on Interstate 15 Sunday escalated to a more serious crime after the man opened fire at another vehicle.

Beaver County sheriff's Sgt. Glen Woolsey said the man, described as in his 20s, was driving north on I-15 near Beaver on Sunday evening. He said the man was driving a Toyota truck in the fast lane but was driving slowly. The victim was driving a Ford truck behind the suspect, Woolsey said.

"Whatever reason, it kind of escalated into a road rage incident," he said. "Gestures were made. Basically, neither vehicle backed down."

The incident lasted less than 10 minutes, Woolsey said, and ended when the suspect brandished a gun and shot into the other truck.

Woolsey said a couple and their infant baby were in the truck when the shot was fired at them, but it hit the front door of their vehicle and didn't injure anyone.

The suspect also had a woman, a child and a small infant in his truck during the incident, Woolsey said.

Woolsey said the suspect was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and aggravated assault. He may also be facing drug charges after officials allegedly found a small amount of marijuana in his truck.

The Beaver County attorney will decide whether charges will be filed against the victim for his role in the incident, Woolsey said.