This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Ten year-old Zack Francom, who through a nonprofit he started raises money for wheelchairs for the needy by selling lemonade and cookies, has won a top spot in the State Farm Neighborhood Assist contest, earning his organization $25,000.

"We couldn't have won without so many people helping us by voting each day during the contest," said Francom, who operates Zack's Shack and lives in Provo.

Zack's Shack, whose effort was facilitated by LDS Charities, was one of 3,000 causes considered in State Farm's Assist program. Among the top 40 winners, it finished No. 22 in voting.

To learn more about all the winners, visit