This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A year after a pilot program in Utah and other Western states proved successful, McDonald's Corp. will hold its first national hiring day April 19 to fill 50,000 openings at its restaurants nationwide.

Utah McDonald's franchises will participate in the campaign as well, looking to fill about 600 positions, said spokeswoman Barbara Schmiett.

She noted that last year's event, which aimed to hire about 700 people at the fast-food chain's outlets in Utah, western Wyoming and eastern Nevada, produced "positive results that served as a catalyst for this national event." Overall, about 60,000 people applied for 13,000 available positions across the West.

McDonald's said it is making a concerted effort to add staff as business improves and more restaurants stay open 24 hours a day.

The company is hiring restaurant crew and management for full-time and part-time positions. The hiring goal translates to three to four new hires per restaurant. McDonald's sees this event as an opportunity to attract employees in a tough job market.

It is also trying to shed the negative connotations of employment at the fast-food chain, once dubbed "McJobs." About half of its franchisees and more than 75 percent of its managers started as store workers. —

To apply

Applications may be submitted in stores or online. •