This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Over the last few years, we have featured a handful of photos of the Wandamere Resort in our A Look Back galleries. We have decided to share some more photos of the popular spot with you today.

Wandamere Resort was a 65-acre amusement park that featured a large pond, boat rides, a race track, dance hall and other amenities. It was located at what is now Nibley Park Golf and operated from 1864-1921.

Every gallery of the series is available at

Here is a sampling:

1970s Women's Fashion

The Beatles first trip to America

Christmas in Utah through the years

Susan Powell case Wandamere Resort amusement park

Morning • We have featured a handful of photos of the Wandamere Resort in our A Look Back galleries. Today, we share some more photos of the popular spot. Wandamere Resort was a 65-acre amusement park that featured a large pond, boat rides, a race track, dance hall and other amenities. It was located at what is now Nibley Park Golf Course and it operated from 1864-1921. >