This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

What's worse than having a knife-wielding intruder cut your home gas line? How about the intruder shooting you with a Taser just as you realize he's an old friend.

That's what happened to a West Valley City man on April 18 after he noticed someone with a knife in his back yard, according to court documents. The man saw the intruder on a surveillance system, so he ran outside.

Once there, the man recognized the intruder as an old business associate. The documents state the associate then promptly shot the man with a Taser.

The shock of the Taser knocked the man to the ground and the associate-cum-intruder ran away. The documents state that when police and fire personnel arrived, the two Taser prongs were still stuck in the man's chest and stomach.

The man reportedly told police that he had borrowed money from the alleged intruder, who evidently believed the debt was still outstanding.

A warrant served later that day authorized police to enter the alleged intruder's home and car. Court records show he was ultimately arrested and charged with aggravated assault, a third-degree felony, and criminal mischief, a class A misdemeanor.

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