This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A new poll shows a majority of Utahns oppose same-sex marriage, but support is rising.

Results of a poll conducted Oct. 14-16 by Dan Jones and Associates shows 61 percent of Utahns oppose same-sex marriage, which became legal this month due to the U.S. Supreme Court's refusal to hear appeals from several states whose same-sex marriage bans were struck down in lower courts.

That is down slightly from the 63 percent who said they opposed same-sex marriage in a similar poll in August.

Meanwhile, 37 percent of 405 respondents queried after gay marriage was legalized Oct. 6 said they are supportive, up from 29 percent in August.

The biggest changes appeared in tallies of those who said they "strongly" oppose same-sex marriage — 44 percent in October, down from 53 percent in August — and those who "somewhat" support same-sex marriage, a category that 14 percent of respondents claimed in October, up from 5 percent in August.

Five percent expressed no opinion on the matter in October, down from 10 percent who declared themselves to be "neutral" in August.

The wording of the question was slightly different in the new poll, asking specifically whether respondents support same-sex marriage "in light of the Supreme Court's recent actions."

The August poll asked simply, "Do you support or oppose same-sex marriage?"

October's poll sampled "registered" voters, while August's poll sampled "likely" voters.