This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

As of Wednesday, there were only a "limited" amount of Melissa Etheridge tickets left, according to Red Butte Garden's ticketing website, so act quick if you want to see the 51-year-old firebrand who embodies the adjective of her 2010 album "Fearless Love." This weekend, Etheridge will play her first Pride event in Pittsburgh, but adjectives about her personal life are irrelevant when listening to the album. In a Tribune interview. Etheridge said the album's producer, John Shanks, helped her convince her that she will always have the attitude of a rocker, so her music should reflect that. (Her previous studio album. "The Awakening," was more blues-inspired and contemplative.) The title track for the album references the first time Etheridge kissed a girl, and she saw the song, as well as the album, as a liberating and further expression of who she is — while still rocking, she said.

When • Wednesday, June 13 at 7:30 p.m.

Where • Red Butte Garden and Arboretum, 300 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City

Tickets • $57 for Garden members, $62 for non-members, at