This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.


DVD • Hollywood heavyweights Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson use their collective creative muscle for the lively and energetic "The Adventures of Tintin," a computer-animated adaptation of the internationally-famous HergĂ© comic. Tintin is an adventurous teen who, with his dog Snowy, goes on a dangerous journey to find lost treasure. It's a robust, heroic comic adventure that reminds you of director Spielberg's other grand matinee movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark." The Blu-ray and DVD also include wonderful behind-the-scenes featurettes showing these two cinematic giants working together, a rare inside look at a genius collaboration. Also available in a 3D Blu-ray disc.

Vince Horiuchi —

Grade • A-