This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Writer Larry Doyle has a beef with prosecutor-turned-TV host Nancy Grace - and he uses a nine-year-old Utah case to make his point.

In a blog entry on The Huffington Post, Doyle (whose books includes the teen romance "I Love You, Beth Cooper") argues that Grace should be fired from HLN, the CNN offshoot that airs her nightly talk show.

Grace's most recent affront, Doyle writes, was her handling of the death of Whitney Houston - when Grace blithely speculated that someone "let her slip or pushed her underneath that water." Grace refused to apologize, even when called out for her outrageous statements by other commentators.

Doyle cites a pattern of Grace behaving like Alice in Wonderland's Queen of Hearts, offering a TV verdict before a trial:

"The truth, to Nancy Grace, is whatever is handy and profitable. Her truth was that Gary Condit murdered Chandra Levy. Her truth was that the Duke lacrosse team raped Crystal Gail Mangum. Her truth was that Richard Ricci kidnapped Elizabeth Smart. (When it later became true he did not, but had unfortunately died in custody, Grace said, 'I'm not going on a guilt trip.')"

Doyle calls Grace "a blight on cable television; she is bad for civilization. She's entitled to her opinions, of course, but in a truly just world, she would be spouting them from a dark sticky corner in some sour rathole."