This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Utah coach Kyle Whittingham said there were nine players on the Utes' board who they weren't sure if they'd be able to sign or not on Wednesday. Of those, the Utes got lineman Carlos Lozano, corner Alphonso Marsh out of Compton, Calif., and local star defensive end Moana Ofahengaue. The notable ones they missed out on were corner Brandon Beaver (Washington), defensive lineman Pio Vatuvei (Washington) and corner Raymond Ford (Cal). But Whittingham, who alluded to the late signings at his press conference, was Ok with the percentage the Utes had, speaking in baseball terms. "That is a pretty good slugging percentage," he said. Playing in the higher stakes of the Pac-12 means the Utes are likely to have similar percentages in the future as the Utes compete against the likes of USC, Stanford and Oregon. "We need to recruit to the highest level," he said.