This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

You can certainly complain that "Glee" isn't as good this year as it was last year - I've done some of that myself - but there is stlll stuff I love in every episode.

Like Tuesday's episode, which had some lines that were just laugh-out-loud funny. Funny enough so that I had to pause the DVR until I was finished laughing.

Like ...

• Brittany: "Ke$ha" has been a culture icon for weeks.

• Principal Figgins introducing the glee club: "And now, performing the hit song Tik and also Tok, by rapper Ke dollar sign ha, New Directions."

• Quinn to Mr. Schuester: "There's a fair amount of the pot calling the kettle black now."

Brittany: "That's so racist."