This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Some of you are just getting the news still — that the top-ranked 5A Beetdiggers and the top-ranked 4A Leopards had to suspend their game after a fire in the electrical room at the stadium forced an evacuation.

It was disappointing for sure, but also confusing as any game I've ever attended. I made a Storify story to help explain how the game — and its aftermath — transpired.

These are the facts:

• East was leading Jordan 28-27 with 41 seconds left in the third quarter.

• The administrators agreed on the field to play Saturday at 10 a.m., and if they couldn't play at East, they would play at another Salt Lake School District field (Highland was brought up).

• By 11 p.m., both principals had agreed, based on the advice of the East medical staff and the fact that East had no power, that the game would be suspended, no win or loss for either.

What happened in the margins is what made this such a crazy night. It should be noted that this is how I experienced events, not necessarily the order in which they happened.

I should add as a disclaimer that I was not able to speak directly to the East administrators last night as the cancellation was being reported. I only was able to get UHSAA and Jordan officials.

Here's hoping the rest of the games this season go more smoothly.

— Kyle Goon

Twitter: @kylegoon