This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Condi Rice for NFL commissioner? Shurtleff to FBI: Give me all your files. Obama outlines plans against ISIL.

Happy Thursday. In the aftermath of the Ray Rice suspension, there have been many voices calling for NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's head and now some of those folks are suggesting a new leader: Condoleezza Rice. The former secretary of state has hinted in the past she would be interested in the job and who knows, perhaps a former diplomat is what the NFL needs these days. [ABCNews]

Topping the news: President Barack Obama outlined plans to combat the threat of the group calling itself the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, saying America will conduct air strikes wherever the threat may be and will arm, with congressional approval, allies [NYTimes][WaPost][WSJ][Politico][LATimes]

-> Rep. Chris Stewart says Obama needs to do more than make speeches on the growing threat of the militant jihadists in Iraq and Syria. [Trib]

-> Former Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff has asked the FBI and local police to hand over all the evidence they have on him. [Trib][DNews]

-> Two telemarketers — whose dealings with Shurtleff and former AG John Swallow figured into the alleged pay-to-play scandal — were charged with two third-degree felonies each for violating a cease-and-desist order. [Trib]

Tweet of the day: From @singernews: "Site now reflects legislative agenda RT @alexanderbolton: has frozen. Staff are unable to access it."

From @pourmecoffee: "Presidential addresses on terrorism are a chance for Americans to come together - - in pre-existing cliques, to reflexively argue."

From @RexHuppke: "MSNBC: WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER! Fox News: WAR IS TOTALLY THE ANSWER! CNN: Did we miss the president's thing? We missed it, didn't we. Damn."

Happy Birthday: To Taylorsville City Council member Dama Barbour.

In other news: The Supreme Court will meet in late September to decide whether to take on one or more of the five state lawsuits over same-sex marriage, including Utah's. [Trib][Fox13]

-> The Grand America Hotel has been fined nearly $2 million after managers rehired undocumented workers that they had been warned to fire in 2011 by federal investigators. [Trib][DNews]

-> The Salt Lake County Republican Party is calling for an official investigation of Democratic Sheriff Jim Winder for what it says was an illegal use of a privately owned armored SWAT vehicle at one of his fundraisers in 2013. [Trib]

-> The I-15 interchange in Brigham City will be close Sunday morning through Tuesday afternoon in order to put the final touches on a new "diverging diamond." [Trib]

-> Comic Con helped the Utah Transit Authority set a ridership record this weekend. [Trib]

-> Pat Bagley offers his take on the revolving door of Congress/Wall Street. [Trib]

-> The South Korean government honored war veterans at a ceremony in Utah's Capitol rotunda for their service. [Trib][DNews]

-> Iron County residents are fed up with prairie dogs damaging various parts of the area and are asking that the government count all the animals — on private and tribal lands — in an effort to remove them from their protected status. [Trib]

-> Paul Rolly notes that the University of Utah's fight song lyrics will reappear on screen at Saturday's game. [Trib]

Nationally: Senate Democrats are working on a bill to give Obama the authorization to train foreign troops to go up against the Islamic threat in the Middle East. [NYTimes][WaPost][WSJ]

-> Mitt Romney took another shot at Obama's foreign policy, charging that the president talks the big talk but doesn't follow through. [HuffPost]

-> Israel has begun a criminal investigation into possible military misconduct during the 50-day Gaza war. [NYTimes]

-> Sen. Ted Cruz says that Democrats' efforts to pass a Constitutional amendment limiting corporate donations would stifle NBC's "Saturday Night Live" because it would be engages in political speech. [Politico]

Where are they?

Rep. Jason Chaffetz meets with LDS members and later meets with the National Republican Congressional Committes, attends the memorial for the Sept. 11 attacks and meets with Utah State Tax Commission members.

Rep. Chris Stewart attends a breakfast event about the ISIL threat, meets with Westinghouse and IDMTS, votes and flies back to Utah.

Gov. Gary Herbert travels to New York City for an Israel Business Development meeting and a business development meeting with Spencer Stuart and KPMG. He later visits the 9/11 Memorial to honor victims, and ends his day at the Utah Business Ambassadors reception.

Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox travels to Park City and the University of Utah to conduct voter outreach.

SL Co. Mayor Ben McAdams participates in United Way Day of Caring event, attends Utah League of Cities and Towns annual conference and speaks to the Millcreek Rotary Club.

SLC Mayor Ralph Becker attends the Utah League of Cities and Towns annual meeting at the Sheraton and has lunch with the Transportation Commission and receives a tour.

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, First Lady Michelle Obama and White House staff gather on the South Lawn of the White House to observe a moment of silence for the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The president then travels to the Pentagon memorial, meets with Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell, and participates in a service project to commemorate the Sept. 11th attacks.

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to your inbox. [Trib]

— Thomas Burr and Mallory Jesperson and