This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Columnist: Hillary Clinton is the new Mitt Romney. Utah AG probing Trib-DNews deal. Swallow campaign haunting Utah House race.

Happy Monday. Hillary Clinton's bungled answer about being "dead broke" when she and Bill Clinton left the White House could come back and haunt her presidential ambitions. In fact, her entire rollout of her potential campaign — or at least her book launch — hasn't exactly played to the populace of voters she may need in 2016. Hillary could be the new Mitt Romney of politics. [WaTimes]

Topping the news: The Joint Operating Agreement between The Salt Lake Tribune and The Deseret News is under investigation by the Utah attorney general's officer under allegations of an unfair financial dealings. [Trib] [DNews] [KUTV] [KSL] [Fox13] [StandEx]

-> Rep. Dana Layton says her connection to the John Swallow scandal is hampering her chances at re-election in the Orem House race. [Trib]

-> The Salt Lake County primary election on Tuesday will allow Democrats to choose an auditor candidate and Republicans to select their nominee for assessor. [Trib] [DNews]

Tweet of the day: From @Wyona440: "Breaking news: Jimmy Hoffa's body found. Oddly, he was clutching Lois Lerner's missing IRS emails."

Happy birthday: Utah County Board of Realtors' Taylor Oldroyd.

Opinion section: Check out Pat Bagley's cartoon with Kate Kelly and the LDS Church police. [Trib]

-> April Young Bennett, a member of the LDS Church and an advocate for the Ordain Women movement, feels there is a discord between what the church's PR statements say and what the Ordain Women group has done to address their concerns. [Trib]

-> Terry Tempest Williams, an author living in Cache Valley, says LDS Church doctrine has changed before and should change again with Kate Kelly's plea for gender equality in the priesthood. [Trib]

-> George Pyle compares Mark Shurtleff's issue with police mistreating his daughter to a 21-year-old woman shot by police on suspicion of drugs in 2012; both women, he argues, should never have had a gun pointed at them. [Trib]

-> Paul Rolly says to expect another turbulent fight for who becomes the next Utah House speaker. [Trib]

-> Isaac Holyoak, communications director for the Alliance for a Better UTAH, feels San Juan County Commissioner Phil Lyman and others who protested through Recapture Canyon in May need to face the consequences of their vandalism of sacred land. [Trib]

-> Joe Andrade, a retired University of Utah professor, looks at Utah politicians' incorrect assumptions about coal. [Trib]

-> Stephen Holbrook, a former Utah legislator, talks about his participation in the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s and argues today's voter suppression laws are "shameful." [Trib]

-> State Rep. Jon Cox, an Ephraim Republican and an instructor at Snow College, says we need to put an end to "the sacred cow of tenure" in education. [Trib]

-> LaVarr Webb and Frank Pignanelli talk about Mitt Romney and the future of the GOP. [DNews]

-> Former Utah Sen. Bob Bennett says the missing Louis Lerner emails at the IRS should help push Congress to appropriate money and ensure a 21st Century solution to technology. [DNews]

Weekend in review: Kate Kelly's bishop announced that he will not make a decision on her fate in the LDS Church until early this week. [Trib] Before the meeting to discuss her potential excommunication, Kate Kelly wrote a letter to the bishopric in charge of her hearing, asking not to be punished or excommunicated for leading the Ordain Women group. [Trib] And more than 200 people gathered for a vigil in Salt Lake City vigil to support Kelly. [Trib] [KUTV] [Fox13] [StandEx]

-> The majority of female members of the LDS Church said they do not want to join the currently all male priesthood, but would like to see some moderate changes for women of the faith. [Trib]

-> Rev. John C. Wester of The Catholic Diocese in Salt Lake City wrote a column in a weekly Catholic newspaper arguing that Utah politicians should support Medicaid expansion because it aligns with their pro-life convictions. [Trib]

-> Park City Mountain Resorts is worried its dispute with Talisker Land Holdings may not allow them to open in five months for ski season, causing financial harm to the surrounding businesses and residents. [Trib]

-> Utah has become the testing ground to try out new military drones. [Trib]

-> Utah's unemployment rate stands at 3.6 percent, one of the better job situations in the country. [DNews] [KUTV]

-> The Republican Party welcomes a new Salt Lake County GOP chairman. [Trib] [DNews] [KSL]

-> The Utah Department of Transportation will only allow a limited number of clean fuel cars, including electric vehicles, into express lanes after a law passed last year to avoid overcrowding. [Trib]

-> Wild horses are the target of federal roundups in Utah, but some are seeking to establish the animals as an endangered species. [Trib]

-> Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, is working on a bill to formally resolve land ownership issues in Utah. [DNews]

-> Gov. Gary Herbert dedicated June as the official "Tennis month" in Utah; the decision comes after Herbert declared May as "Golf Month." [KUTV]

Nationally: The IRS Commissioner said he will not apologize for the missing emails in the investigation of the agency and Lois Lerner because the problem was due to "technical glitches." [WaPost]

-> Former Vice President Dick Cheney and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, are sparring over a suitable foreign policy for Iraq. [WaPost] [Politico]

-> Political analysts predict Hillary Clinton's "dead broke" comment earlier this month and her lavish financial lifestyle is too far removed from the average voter and could prove detrimental for Democrats in the 2016 presidential election; they advise Republicans to leave her alone and stop fueling the publicity. [WaPost] [WSJ]

-> Rep. Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat and an 84-years-old, faces two younger competitors in the primary election this week, but hopes to fend them off with his characteristic humor. [WSJ] [Politico] [LATimes]

-> Say 'hello' to my little squirt gun. Vice President Joe Biden got into the spirit at a Naval Observatory summer party with water games. [WaPost]

Where are they?

Rep. Jason Chaffetz tours Rep. Elijah Cumming's district in Baltimore, participates in evening votes and attends an oversight hearing on the IRS.

Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox speaks at the Utah Safety Fair at the Utah State Capitol.

SL Co. Mayor Ben McAdams attends a League of Cities and Towns Policy Committee meeting and talks with Salt Lake County District Attorney Chief Deputy Ralph Chamness.

SLC Mayor Ralph Becker takes part in the U.S. Conference of Mayors annual meeting in Texas.

President Barack Obama talks at the White House summit on working families and takes part in the accompanying roundtable discussion on the issue.

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to your inbox. [Trib]

— Thomas Burr and Courtney Tanner and