This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Obama's big Syria speech. 12 years since Sept. 11. The bulldog attorney leading the probe into John Swallow.

Happy Wednesday. Today marks the 12th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, and one year since the attack in Bengahzi, Libya. Officials in New York, Washington and elsewhere will remember these events with somber ceremonies while the public debate has recently focused on how far is too far when it comes to government intelligence programs. [USAToday]

-> And on the eve of this day of remembrance, the NSA released documents showing the agency had violated its data collection rules by repeatedly searching a database of American's phone records to hunt for terrorists. [WaPost] [NYTimes]

Topping the news: President Barack Obama used his primetime address on Syria to urge people to check their basic sense of right and wrong, arguing that America has an exceptional responsibility to punish nations using weapons of mass destruction. He said he would try to find a diplomatic solution before returning to his call for a military strike. [WaPost] [Politico] [NYTimes]

-> Here are 10 things to take from his speech. [USAToday]

-> All of Utah's members of Congress are now opposed to a military strike on Syria. Sen. Orrin Hatch was the last one to make his decision, which he didn't share until after Obama's national address. Hatch said a few missiles won't solve this problem. [Trib] [Fox13]

Tweet of the day: From @RyanLizza: " Biden" My favorite gaffe? This one time, I made him come out for gay marriage. Keryy: Oh yeah? I prevented him from starting a war."

This week: Utes in the D.C. area are gathering at We, the Pizza on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. as part of a shindig hosted by University of Utah's D.C. alumni chapter.

Happy birthday: Dama Barbour, Taylorsville City Council member and to Patrick Thronson.

In other news: Get to know the lead attorney hired by state lawmakers to look into the alleged misdeeds of AG John Swallow, a man who is no stranger to impeachment proceedings. [Trib]

-> Environmentalists are opposed to an expansion of the Coal Hollow Mine, which would involve public lands that they say is too close to Bryce Canyon National Park. [Trib]

-> Salt Lake City is looking to hire a new "civic engagement coordinator" or person who can interact residents and take care of public issues. City Hall is creating the position because of public criticism regarding some recent high-profile issues including a tax increase and a new streetcar line to Sugar House. [Trib]

-> Pat Bagley gives his take on how the security world has changed since Sept. 11 [Trib]

-> A new study indicates people actually drive more on yellow and red air days — exactly the opposite outcome Utah air-quality and transportation officials are trying to achieve. [Trib]

-> Residents of North Salt Lake are going straight to the governor to shut down Stericycle. This is because of an incident last Friday where large amounts of black smoke were released. Utah Division of Air Quality said that Stericycle contacted them about the releasing, saying it was a "bypass" event, which isn't against air quality regulations. [DNews]

-> Salt Lake County is willing to pay up to potentially save lives by getting all of the valley's emergency responders on the same 911 system. The decision proposed by Mayor Ben McAdams was unanimously approved by the County Council. [Trib] [DNews]

-> Gov. Gary Herbert's meeting with NRA leaders has been postponed until a future Washington, D.C. trip. It is unclear which office is responsible for the rescheduling. [DNews]

-> Trib Talk: Want to know how to shop for insurance once the Affordable Care Act kicks in? Here's a video explaining your options with the Utah's health care exchange and many other questions you might have. [Trib]

-> Some small business owners are worried about the impacts of the law widely known as Obamacare. [DNews]

-> The Bountiful City Council has decided to delay the building of a new city hall. The decision came after residents protested the $10 million building saying the funds could be better served repairing roads and other needs. [Trib]

Nationally: Secretary of State John Kerry said the Obama administration will remain cautious of Syria's proposal to hand over its chemical weapons to the international community. He said the administration will wait to see the details, but it won't wait for long. [WaPost] [Politico] [NYTimes]

-> Disposing of chemical weapons, particularly when done by the international community, is a difficult and lengthy process. It would most likely take years in Syria. [NYTimes]

-> One year after the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, a powerful car bomb hits the nation's Foreign Ministry. [AP]

Where are they?

Rep. Jason Chaffetz attends 9/11 remembrance, meets with Utah Pork Producers, attends delegation lunch with Gov. Gary Herbert, meets with Salt Lake City's Mayor Ralph Becker, and gives an interview to FoxNews.

Gov. Gary Herbert meets with Martin Gruenberg, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation chairman, meets with the state's congressional delegation and attends to some business with the National Governors Association.

SL Co. Mayor Ben McAdams attends the League of Cities and Towns annual conference, meets with Sheriff Jim Winder, then goes to Zions Bank's USTAR initiative dinner and the Sandy Hills Community Council.

SLC Mayor Ralph Becker meets with Congressional Delegation and federal agencies in Washington, D.C.

WVC Mayor Mike Winder participates in Utah League of Cities and Towns conference.

President Barack Obama observes moment of silence for 9/11 and participates in a memorial service project.

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to your inbox. [Trib]

— Matt Canham and Jordan Bailey and