This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Romney to lay out 59-point jobs plan. Huntsman pounces. Vandals create 'Church of Utah' sign.

Happy Tuesday. We hope you had a good Labor Day weekend because now it's off to the races for municipal candidates and when presidential campaigns will kick their efforts into full-gear. Mitt Romney plans today to lay out his economic plan today in Nevada, a state that has been brutally hit by the economic downturn. The Washington Post takes a look at Romney's record at job creation in private industry and while as Massachusetts governor. [WaPost]

-> Romney says his plan includes 59 points, 10 of which he'd enact on Day One as president. [USAToday]

-> Jon Huntsman releases a web video slamming the job creation record of a certain former governor of Massachusetts: "One man's record is sadly similar to that of Obama's." [HBlog] (Watch for the Chris Vanocur citation in the end)

Topping the news: Jon Huntsman ends the speculation that he could run as an independent, but says he expects to pick up a lot of independent votes nonetheless. [CNN] He also says the real campaign starts now and he's optimistic. [CNN] [WSJ]

-> Vandals crossed out the "State" in the "State of Utah" at the Capitol, replacing it with the word "Church." [Trib]

-> The personal religions of the presidential candidates is going to be — and already has been — a big deal this election cycle. [AP]

Today's news: The question of whether Taylorsville should join the Unified Police District is a major issue in its upcoming municipal elections. [Trib]

-> Some Utahns have been arrested outside the White House for protesting a proposed oil pipeline. [Trib]

-> Peg McEntee says there will be hell to pay if state lawmakers try to gut the state's open-records law next session. [Trib]

-> With two candidates dropping out, there won't be a primary election in Bluffdale this month after all. [Trib]

-> Utah Policy's insiders say that the state is going to continue its monopoly over liquor sales and that Sen. Dan Liljenquist could force Sen. Orrin Hatch into a primary — but then lose. [UtahPolicy]

-> The state Senate is much closer to be able to finish its redistricting plan than the state House is. [UtahPolicy]

Tweet of the day: From @MayorWinder: "Despite nagging by Freedom Works, I will not seek my party's nomination for the office of United States Senator in the 2012 campaign." (Winder clarified on Facebook that this was a tongue-in-cheek comment and FreedomWorks never approached him.)

Opinion section: A Salt Lake City resident takes issue with the Trib's editorial on immigration enforcement. [Trib]

-> Paul Rolly says state lawmakers inserted some last-minute provisions into an omnibus education bill — provisions that had previously been voted down. [Trib]

-> Rolly also says racially sensitivity is big subject at Alta High after posters advertised a black vs. white football game. [Trib]

-> George Pyle says freedom of speech is being put to a big test. [Trib]

-> Pat Bagley offers his take on the modern-day Labor Day. [Trib]

-> Prosecutors say there's a better solution to indigent defense efforts than for the state to take over the regulation of the programs. [Trib]

-> A Mother Jones scribe (and Utah native) says Cherilyn Eagar could beat Rep. Jim Matheson. [MotherJones]

-> The D News editorial board says Huntsman set a high standard for other candidates when he rolled out his economic plan. [DNews]

-> Huntsman expands on his economic plan in a Wall Street Journal editorial. [WSJ] (subscription required)

-> Former Sen. Bob Bennett says the National Labor Relations Board needs to protect American jobs, not unions. [DNews]

-> The Herald editorial board asks state lawmakers not to divide Utah County in redistricting. [Herald]

-> LaVarr Webb and Frank Pignanelli crack wise about what our elected officials did over their summer vacations. [DNews]

-> The N.H. Union Leader says Huntsman's jobs plan looks good though there are some caveats that he doesn't mention. [UnionLeader]

-> Huntsman pitched pragmatism to the editorial board of the Concord Monitor. [Monitor]

Where are they?

Sen. Hatch sits down in D.C. with Montana Sen. Max Baucus.

Gov. Gary Herbert meets with adviser Robert Spendlove, Health Department director David Patton, films an appearance for the Sandy Chamber of Commerce Titan Award and hits the Lehi Chamber of Commerce meeting. The governor later sits down with Rep. Carl Wimmer, meets with Chief of Staff Derek Miller and then joins the Public Lands Council annual meeting.

AG Mark Shurtleff holds a series of meetings in his office.

SL Co. Mayor Peter Corroon attends the business matters luncheon with Rep. Jim Matheson and later visits the Kearns Community Council.

SLC Mayor Ralph Becker welcomes young African leaders with the Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy Program and then hits the City Council meeting.

WVC Mayor Mike Winder reads to Stansbury Elementary students at the West Valley Library, attends the ChamberWest lunch with Rep. Matheson at Rocky Mountain Raceway, hits the City Council meeting and teaches a University of Phoenix local government class.

President Barack Obama meets with senior advisers in the Oval Office and then lunches with Vice President Joe Biden.

2012 watch: South Carolina's only Mormon lawmaker endorses ... Rick Perry. [Politico]

-> Despite some protestors, Romney gets a warm welcome at a Tea Party Express event. [BostonHerald] [CBSNews]

-> Perry and Romney try to show their differences in tackling immigration problems. [FoxNews]

-> Romney tells the Detroit News that if he's elected president, he wants to divest the United States of any investment in GM or other car-related bailouts. [DetNews]

-> Romney wins the endorsement of the S.C. treasurer. [ABCNews]

-> Perry takes a shot at Romney's lack of job creation. [Politico] And Michele Bachmann criticizes the Massachusetts individual health care mandate. [USAToday]

-> AP's Kasie Hunt takes a look at how Huntsman is attempting to turn his presidential campaign around. [AP]

-> Huntsman says the next president will be a former governor. [TheHill]

-> Huntsman and wife, Mary Kaye, will appear on The View in early October. [ABCNews]

-> Huntsman calls early polling "absolute nonsense" in the scope of the race. [CBSNews]

-> The former Utah governor also stresses that there will not be any deductions in his tax reform plan. [NRO]

-> At a New Hampshire gun show, Huntsman says he had a BB gun at age six and now owns a 12-gauge shotgun. [CBSNews]

-> The personal religions of presidential candidates will be — and already has been — an issue in this cycle. [AP]

-> The upcoming presidential debates — on Wednesday and Monday — could drive up voter interest in the election and help, or hurt, some of the candidates in the field. [DNews]

-> Politifact says Mitt Romney's comment that more than 500,000 federal workers make more than a hundred-grant is "mostly true." [PolitiFact]

-> Romney says his health care law in Massachusetts is an asset in running against Obama. [USAToday]

-> Huntsman's campaign blogs about how Democrats really don't like their candidate as they've tried to portray. [HBlog]

Weekend in review: A voters group takes issue with Utah's closed primary elections. [CacheValleyDaily] And a former DNC executive director agrees that's making politics more extreme. [WaPost]

-> Gov. Gary Herbert will attend the 9-11 remembrance ceremony at the Pentagon. [Trib]

-> Utah enviros take issue with Obama's shelving of tougher emissions rules. [Trib]

-> Sen. Mike Lee was a little slow on a town-hall question about the ATF's Fast and Furious gun program. [Trib]

-> After hitting some roadblocks, those planned solar panels on top of the Salt Palace may actually go up this fall. [Trib]

-> Clean air advocates in Utah take issue with Obama's shelving of tougher emission standards. [Trib]

-> Municipal races in northern Utah are seeing crowded fields this year. [StandEx]

-> Utah state government may be ending its 4-day workweek experiment, but Provo thinks its similar schedule is working fine. [AP]

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— Thomas