This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The accolades for Robert Redford are piling up this winter.

Redford will receive the American Riviera Award at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, on Feb. 7. The award, according to Hitfix, is given to a person "who has had a strong influence on American cinema."

Tough to argue with that assessment, considering not only Redford's decades-long career as an actor and director — as well as the founder of the Sundance Institute, which has incubated hundreds of independent films and filmmakers.

The honor also has a fortuitous timing. The Santa Barbara event is a regular campaign stop for actors and filmmakers in the running for an Oscar. (Last year's American Riviera Award went to Quentin Tarantino, who at the time was campaigning for "Django Unchained.")

Redford's solo performance in the survival drama "All Is Lost" is considered a front-runner for a Best Actor nomination. Redford has already received a Best Actor award from the New York Film Critics Circle, and a Golden Globe nomination. Oh, and there was that tribute from Utah Gov. Gary Herbert in November.